Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Compassion of Ethics

The difference between ethics and religion is like the difference between water and tea. Ethics without religious content is water, a critical requirement for health and survival. Ethics grounded in religion is tea, a nutritious and aromatic blend of water, tea leaves, spices, sugar and, in Tibet, a pinch of salt. "But however the tea is prepared, the primary ingredient is always water," he says. "While we can live without tea, we can't live without water. Likewise, we are born free of religion, but we are not born free of the need for compassion."

 What a profound statement from his Holiness the Dali Lama, in a time of political and religious strife in the world caused by our freedom of speech, I have not watched the video sparking such strife, nor do I plan to I live in a safe and quiet corner of the northern reaches of the United States far from violence and civil unrest, but it does impact my thinking.  It changes how I relate to the polarizing of our political and religious views and how I treat the person next to me.  It changes how I teach my daughters, treat my spouse and the person next to me.

We have several mantras we live by in our home and the first and foremost I say over and over is the three C's (and a K)
Caring, Compassion, Considerate and Kindness.  All things we do must fit into this rule.  Does it work with a precocious three year old and over achieving eight year old sisters that share a room, not always but we are working on it!  It's a work in progress for everyone!

Here is a great article on Cultivating Compassion

 Source article


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