Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Turtles and Charter Fisherman

So last night I was reminded that April is national poetry month and NPR was asking what my favorite poem was. It happens to be this:
From sundials in the shade


by Kay Ryan
(Our awesome current Poet Laureate)

Who would be a turtle who could help it?
A barely mobile hard roll, a four-oared helmet,
she can ill afford the chances she must take
in rowing toward the grasses that she eats.
Her track is graceless, like dragging
a packing case places, and almost any slope
defeats her modest hopes. Even being practical,
she's often stuck up to the axle on her way
to something edible. With everything optimal,
she skirts the ditch which would convert
her shell into a serving dish. She lives
below luck-level, never imagining some lottery
will change her load of pottery to wings.
Her only levity is patience,
the sport of truly chastened things.

 from The Best of It: New and Selected Poems. © Grove Press, 2010.

It's not just that I love the poem, it's imagery the lyrical twists and turns and that I happen to love reptiles and own two box turtles. The first time I read this poem I was just awe struck, that moment of awakening and read it again and again, realizing that I haven't written poetry since high school.....

 So, what is your favorite poem or poet or piece of writing.... and when were you most inspired by it?

I was also struck by this report from another favorite fishing tidbit in the endless fight of SE long liners to protect their costly IFQ quotas I came across this report about the Elfin Cove Lodge.  And for my little back story, I used to work for ADF&G Sport Fish division in Juneau and also had a brief and thankfully short tenure as a TSA agent in Juneau and let me tell you these guys were packing in the fish boxes like nothing else... You would have thought they all had little fish shacks and their $4000 sport fishing trip to SE each year supplied their little restaurants to the hilt.  It always bothered me greatly and most of us knew that this has been happening for so long now it's about time that they actually did an investigation about it.  One tiny step in the right direction for all the IFQ holders, deckhands, families and friends!

Monday, April 19, 2010

out of hibernation

Wow, okay it's been a year since I was "going to blog" and well what the heck, now is as good of time as any to actually start. We'll call this year in web hibernation a soul searching, new job, pregnancy induced research period and now at 35 weeks I'm ready to share very early morning cups of tea and incoherent craft projects, recipes and ramblings with you all. I hope you like Earl Grey!

So I started my weekend with a board retreat where we had quite a few interactive projects and lengthy philosophical discussions which I'm not sure was the quickest way to meeting our goals with a bunch of non-profit, education, outdoor loving women but it sure was fun and I got a lot of color on my hands by the end of the day including silk painting on scarves. I did one hombre style which I took home to "finish" and did one poppy inspired
From Summer 2009
abstract and can't wait to see it's final results although my colors were a little less vivid than this photo I took last summer at the arboretum.
From Sundials in the Shade

A little background story to tie this in....is I actually own all the items needed for doing such a fun and creative project but have been buried in my "Office" which can also be called the craft room/office/pseudo garage/guest room for over three years at least and have rarely seen the light of day. I also recently purchased some Lumiere paints on a trip to Ketchikan and painted a little jewelry box for MJ in my early morning spare time, and was certainly feeling the need for more creative outlets in my life. This need is usually filled with cooking but being pregnant and having a husband who arrives home hours before I even think of dinner I loose all creative outlet in cooking to simply fill the food void that becomes a pregnant woman. i.e. I don't care what the hell it is just feed me, I'm starving and exhausted and hope it has a full serving of dark leafy vegetables somewhere in it!

So now renewed in knowing that I'll have some maternity leave coming up what a better time to get back into my fabric paints. Along in my little research I've found this amazing site called Sassy Feet Wow... I'm going to go crazy... and well all those shoes I was going to donate to my girlfriend's breast cancer garage sale... look out they'll be laced, beaded and sparkling in no time. Forget oogling at all the incredibly expensive designer shoes in the windows downtown made famous by Ms. Palin or dealing with my Mini-Emelda Marcos of a four year old fashion diva, watch out mama's gonna bling your next pair of shoes! Just don't be running around pretending to be VP qualified!
From Sundials in the Shade